Select four podcasts from Rainer On Leadership related to worship.
After listening to each podcast write a brief abstract and response.
Email your completed projects to
After listening to each podcast write a brief abstract and response.
Email your completed projects to
Visit -- top, right menu: click “podcast” --
open the titles for 2016. Select four podcasts from the following:
Podcast #189 - Seven Worship Trends to Watchopen the titles for 2016. Select four podcasts from the following:
Podcast #215 - Why Congregational Singing is Waning
Podcast #221 - What Is the Best Time for a Worship Service
Podcast #226 - The Disappearance of Choirs
Podcast #233 - Doubtful Issues and Church Worship Preferences
Podcast #241 - Worship As Discipleship
Podcast #256 - Why Church Members Choose One
Worship Service Over Another
Worship Service Over Another
Podcast #261 -Worship Leading Relationship Between
Pastor and Music Leader
Pastor and Music Leader
Podcast #267 - Seven Reasons Not to Have Multiple
Styles of Worship
Styles of Worship
Podcast #268 - Five Reasons to Have Multiple Styles of Worship
As you are emailing your abstracts and responses to the material
from the podcasts you selected, please share with me your
thoughts about our class:
1. What is your main take-away from the presentation?
(What was the clearest point to you?)
2. What is something that you wish we had discussed?
(What was muddy, confusing, or needs clarifying?)
References for Further Study Cited in the Conclusion of the KYUM Worship Class:
If there's one point I would like to reemphasize from our class, it is that the worship leader must always be growing and cultivating the rhythms of faith-life in a deep relationship with God. Definitely be a scholar of Scripture. Be in the Word daily! And, in addition, below are the works referenced toward the close of our session. Learn to practice spiritual disciplines and the concepts shared by these authors. What a pleasure it has been to work with you!
Soli Deo Gloria,
Gerald Chafin
Lindsey Wilson College
Foster, Richard J. Celebration of Discipline. Harper.
Miller, Donald. Blue Like Jazz. Thomas Nelson.
Noland, Rory. The Heart Of The Artist. Zondervan.
Noland, Rory. Thriving As An Artist In The Church. Zondervan.
Noland, Rory. The Worshiping Artist. Zondervan.
Sheer, Greg. The Art of Worship: A Musician's Guide to Leading Modern Worship. Baker Books.
Webber, Robert E. The New Worship Awakening. Hendrickson Publishers.