Saturday, July 27, 2019

Guest Post by Felicia Harry

The Psalm 34 License Plate

I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will
always be on my lips. Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.  
Psalm 34: 1, 8

Psalm 34 was one of my Daddy’s favorites.  It was his testimony summed up in one chapter.  In fact, he loved this chapter so much that he had it specially made into a license plate for the front of his 2003 Impala!

It was quite a conversation starter for him.  People would see it and would ask him, “I know it’s in
the Bible but what does it say?”  It was a natural lead-in for Daddy to QUOTE the chapter verbatim and then tell the person how the chapter characterized his life.

Daddy died in May of 2010 and I inherited the car with the license plate. Did I remove the license plate?  Of course not!

Both my children learned to drive in that car and I truly believe as verse 7 says, The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them.  Well, this mom never worried when her teens were out on the road in that car!  (Ok, that's a stretch, I know, but God knew what I needed.)

My husband and I had a number of "oh, deer" accidents during the time we were commuting on small, country roads between towns to our new ministry site.  None of these incidents were in the Impala!

Friends of ours borrowed this car when they were in a desperate situation to get to Nashville under time constraints.

We took Daddy to every chemo treatment in this car.

It isn’t that the car is super-natural, not at all.  It is simply the reminder of the testimony that the license plate on the front of the car gives to the world that The Lord redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him (v. 22).

Now it's 2019 and we really need to replace the Impala due to wear/tear and mileage; but, we are keeping that license plate!
Dear Father God, we are not immune from bad things happening.  We are not promised a life of no suffering on this earth.  However, we are promised the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear you (v. 7).   The righteous may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers us and protects his bones (v. 19-20) when we trust and honor you.  Thank you for your grace and mercy and love.  Amen!
Felicia J. Harry is my awesome sister!  She is a retired teacher and guidance counselor whose insights about faith-life never cease to amaze me.