Sunday, January 12, 2020

Seminars For Your Church From Lindsey Wilson College

Lindsey Wilson College embraces the challenge to equip the next generation of Christian leaders. We intentionally partner and collaborate with churches "to make disciples for the transformation of the world."

Our approach in working with churches resonates from 2 Peter 3:18: "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." At Lindsey Wilson, we celebrate sharing the task of helping students grow in grace as well as knowledge.

We welcome the opportunity to visit your church. In addition to speaking for a worship service, our church relations program offers engaging seminars for various groups within your congregation. Consider hosting:
The Arts In Worship
Influence As Leadership
Collegiate Ministry At Church
Connecting Generations:  Building Bridges to Islands

Our church relations team is delighted to package these seminars in formats that best fit you church.  You will find each seminar to be high in content with thoughtful implications for your ministry setting.  

As a church-related college, we encourage your congregation to be a college-related church!  Feel free to contact me to discuss how your church can partner with Lindsey Wilson.  Call 270-384-8400 or email

Follow @CommonMeter on Twitter for thoughts and resources about ministry and leadership.